UFC 135 Walkout Gear
UFC 135 Walkout Gear – September 24, 2011
We have an overview of some of the hottest walkout t-shirts worn by UFC fighters as they approached the octagon. As UFC 135 draws near we will continuously update the walkout gear. You can guarantee that we will be the first to give you the opportunity to buy a tshirt for UFC 135 on September 24. Even if you can’t sit ringside in Denver CO to cheer on Rampage Jackson or Rob Broughton you will still be able to support them by wearing one of their signature brands. Check out some of their MMA Clothing today!
Jon “Bones” Jones
FORM Athletics Jon Bones Jones UFC 135 Walkout T-Shirt (EXCLUSIVE)
Form Athletics has shown their support for Jon “Bones” Jones throughout UFC 128 and 126. And now they will support him again in his fight against Rampage Jackson in UFC 135!
Form Athletics Jon “Bones” Jones UFC 128 Walkout T Shirt
Form Athletics has shown their support for Jon “Bones” Jones throughout UFC 128 and 126. Will they support him again in his fight against Rampage Jackson in UFC 135?
Form Athletics Jon Bones Jones UFC 126 Walkout Tshirt

Rampage Jackson
MMA Elite Quinton Rampage Jackson UFC 135 Short Sleeve Walkout Shirt
Rampage Jackson will walkout for UFC 135 in this 100% cotton crew neck t-shirt. The Gold foil will pop making this a must have for UFC lovers!
MMA ELITE UFC 130 Rampage Jackson Short Sleeve Walkout T-Shirt
Rampage Jackson showed up for UFC 130 in an MMA Elite short sleeve tee. This comfortable, with an athletic fit is going to be hard to beat for UFC 135…but then again – so is Rampage!
Matt Hughes
One More Round AMERICAN DAREDEVIL aka Matt Hughes UFC 117 Weigh In Tee
One More Round supported the American Daredevil (Matt Hughes) during his weigh in for UFC 117. Wonder what he’ll walkout in against Josh Koscheck in UFC 135? Go check out your favorite mma brands.
Josh Koscheck
Dethrone Koscheck Faded Brand UFC 135 Walkout Tee
Dethrone Royalty knows who to crown king! They will support Koscheck as he walks out to circle the ring with Matt Hughes at UFC 135.
[…] your support by purchasing your tickets to UFC 135 in Denver, CO or by simply buying some great UFC walkout clothing. Either way you look at it – you are prepped and ready for UFC 135 on September 24, […]